Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Blog Entry 9

Please frame your response around the following questions:
  1. What is your general subject?
Answer-The growth of fast food industry is detrimental.
  1. What is your focus (narrowed topic)?
Answer-The growth of fast food industry leads to more poverty and income inequality.
  1. What do you plan to support/argue for?
Answer- My research is about the antibiotic and the consumer, why the farmers used the antibiotics in animals what are the good and the bad side of it what is the sequences those antibiotics have on people health. 
  1. What have you looked at so far (sources) and how useful do you think they will be and why?
Answer- http://www.fda.gov/animalveterinary/newsevents/cvmupdates/ucm335102htm
according to the consumer report they have found that those antibiotics have effects on people live while others disagree;http/www.cosumerreport.com
I found these links very useful because they are very recent and is directly relayed to the my research topic and is from accredited source.
  1. What are your next steps of this topic is approved?
Answer-Create a draft research paper outline starting with the thesis and then write body paragraphs and building upon it. Last writing an introduction with thesis statement and finish off with building body paragraphs and conclusion.
  1. What difficulties do you see at this time in moving forward with the research process?

Answer- Finding inadequate claim to support that the antibiotics fed by the animals really have some effects on people's live.

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