Sunday, May 4, 2014

Marie S. Civil
Eng. 101
Prof. Smith
For this blog I have chosen to talk about "VALUE"

 "VALUE" what is the meaning of the "value" Something valued is something that either worth money or times, something very important to you or someone else. For some people something valuable can be money, goods, or objects what so ever, for me personally life is the most valuable thing ever, and family. I say life and family those are two things you cannot trade or exchange. Your success in life is depended on your family, if you have a bag childhood it is more likely for you to be failed in the future. People can be rich and still struggle in life, either they feel lonely, and even kill themselves because they didn't know how to love themselves, to be grateful for every deep-breath they have taken in their live. Either they were abused as a child or didn't have a mother or a father to love them and to show them the value of life, to love them and for them to be loved. And also for me life is something irreplaceable, something precious, and more valuable than anything else. Everything we are doing is because we have life, we see for some people is a curse. Is again they don't know what love is like, to love themselves their environment weren't great.  That's the reason I said family is the most valuable thing in life. The love you get from your family will follow you through the rest of your life, that love you cannot trade it or exchange it.

According to a research, Life satisfaction can reflect experiences that have affected a person in a positive way. These experiences have the ability to motivate people to pursue and reach their goals there are two emotion that may affect how people perceive their lives .Hope and optimist both consist of cognitive processes that are usually oriented towards the reaching of goals and the perception of those goals. Additionally, optimism is linked to higher life satisfaction whereas pessimism is related to symptoms in depression. The Satisfaction with Life Scale  is a single scale that is used by UNESCO, the CIA, the New Economics Foundation, the WHO, the Veenhoven Database, the Latin barometer, the Afrobarometer, and the UNHDR to measure how one views his or her self-esteem, well-being and overall happiness with life. Previous modeling showed that positive views and life satisfaction were completely mediated by the concept of self-esteem, and the different way ideas and events are perceived by people. Several studies found that self-esteem plays a definite role in influencing life satisfaction. There is also a homeostatic model that also supports these findings. One's mood and outlook on life can also influence one's own perception of their life satisfaction.

I always encourage people to appreciate the gift of a family and life, be grateful and thankful. Because some people will do anything for those two things. I love my family and I thank GOD every day for it, and I will do anything to keep my family together, to protect them, cherish them and make sure I give them the love I got from my parents. I teach them every day the value of live what it is to alive, to be able to go places, see the world, do some kind of things. I do because I want them to be succeeding in life and love others.


  1. I still have no clue what "value" has to do with food.

  2. I think this is very vague and broad. I would say you can narrow and connect to how children were manipulated in the book since you want to go for psychological issues that has to do with family. I dont see any claim and reason.

  3. Oh, this seems to be the research essay. In my opinion, this doesn't sound to be an interesting idea to write about. Also, the idea is too general, you may try to focus on a more specific topic.

  4. Way to general can't tell if there is any claim and reasons . Agree with professor smith , how exactly will you connect value with food?

  5. Im a little confused but if you focus in a specific idea and give us some claim or reason it would be clearer to understand.
