Tuesday, June 10, 2014

                                                REFLECTION ESSAY

Marie S. Civil
Professor; Dr. Smith Jason
Eng 101

English is not my first language, I was born and raised to a bi-language family my Mom speaks Creole, My Dad speaks French and Creole and my grandfather spoke Spanish. I grew up in the Middle of it, as an international student who tried so hard to add on what i already had; I thing I'm doing better than before. It is easy to study than write when it comes to a strange language, I started to write as a kindergarten kid but after I started to read and used some of the writing strategies you personally taught us. I think I'm on the right track now Dr. Smith, and I have learned a lot, even something I felt so bored when it comes to write but your strategy helped me a lot. The blogs assignments, the online quizzes and reading they were very helpful.

I'm on the right track now I'm better than before, I can write seven pages paper and do more than I could before. And the fast food nation project we were working on taught me a lot, it gave me so much knowledge and open my eyes more about how the fast food industry are using their own strategies to trick people. Things are not always the way people are seen them, there is a black side of it. For example Mc Donald they are using young attractive people to work for them so they can be popular, using kids by created things as; toys, commercials, and other staff. For now I know how to deal with my soon when it comes to fast food.

And in the case of farming I also learned a lot about how the antibiotics and animals, according to a research I have done so far on this subject “antibiotics and animals"  I have found that the farmers used the antibiotics not only to treat the animals but to make them growth faster and produced more. This caused a lot of controversy these days because people wandered if it is good or bad or harm to the consumers. This is a long debate but we can have a better idea so far.

I'm so grateful to have a Professor like Dr. Jason Smith and looking forward to have my 102 with you Professor I think you for everything that you have done so far. You are a great Professor with a good heard so patient, and kind. I wish you all the best and I will see you for my # 102. 

Monday, June 9, 2014


                                               BLACK RICE AND FISH

this is a combination of food created by  people from the Caribbean specially Haitian people. It is very tasted and health to  make that food you need times and shop for coshed food.

1. green beans, shrimps, coconut  milk, black pepper
2. fish, parsley, time, onion, green pepper and it has to be spicy here a picture of my cooking.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


                                 Antibiotic and the Consumers  

Antibiotic is something created by scientists to treat people and any living things depend on the diseases, everyone has their own type of antibiotic they can be treated with. In case of farming, the farmers used the antibiotics to feed the animals to make them grow faster and produce more.
According to a research done by the FDA, they are reported that; they have found no harm so far to the public health by consumed the meat that are feed and treated with the antibiotics released this statement; "not all antibiotics are the same, some are used primarily in animals and are not medically important to people. And aren't leading to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria that is harmful to people". Of the antibiotics used in farm animals today, about one third are called Ionophrones and are not medically important, nor used in humans. Meaning if resistance to the drugs did develop, it will have little impact on the public health. Further, use of medically important antibiotics actually decreased from 2010 to 2011 on farms while the meat production increased. So far there is no major effects on people or the consumer, because the antibiotics the farmers used are not harmful to the public. My concern is; if there is no effect on the public, the farmers are cleaned on that subject of the antibiotics, but what why the farmers need to treat the animals with antibiotics preemptively.

The farmers are reportedly saying that the used to the antibiotics is to treat the animals, human and animals’ health treatment differs. In human, doctors tend to treat the individual. In farm animals veterinarians tend to treat the herd. Farmers and ranchers work closely to with veterinarians to develop a comprehensive herd health program. Which includes many tools such as vaccination, proper housing, hygiene, and antibiotics. Preventing or controlling the spread of a disease is critical to keep animals safe and health. For example; I used to see my Dad have his animals vaccinated, which was on the best interest of the animals to keep them safe. Mostly when the Climate changes, also to prevent animals suffering or unsafe conditions. They can't stay isolate themselves waited to die when they are ill. It’s more human and safer to prevent illness than to treat a sick animal that may infect other animals. If the farmers are using the antibiotics in a good manner I think they should continued doing their jobs as farmers. 

Now while they researchers and FDA stated that there is no effect on public by feeding the animals the antibiotics, they should focused more what is caused the problem why some people got sick after consumer an humbugger, a sandwich, a meat ball where is the problem is from': it is from the processing industries, it is how they packing the meat where is the problem. According to a recent study done by FDA; www.fda.gov/animalveterinary/newsevents/cvmupdates/ucm335102htm they have found that "High rates of meat and poultry tainted with antibiotic- resistant strains of bacteria" 80% ground turkey, 61% pork chops and 55% ground beef so what is going on? if the farmers didn't do any harm now who is responsible for this problem. According to a survey by the consumer report they have came up with this scale.

 The turkey with no-antibiotics they have less E. coll, less Enterococcus, less staph and less ALL than those conventional.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is implementing a voluntary plan with industry to phase out the use of certain antibiotics for enhanced food production.
Antibiotics are added to the animal feed or drinking water of cattle, hogs, poultry and other food-producing animals to help them gain weight faster or use less food to gain weight.
Because all uses of antimicrobial drugs, in both humans and animals, contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance, it is important to use these drugs only when medically necessary. Governments around the world consider antimicrobial-resistant bacteria a major threat to public health. Illnesses caused by drug-resistant strains of bacteria are more likely to be potentially fatal when the medicines used to treat them are rendered less effective.
FDA is working to address the use of “medically important” antibiotics in food-producing animals for production uses, such as to enhance growth or improve feed efficiency. These drugs are deemed important because they are also used to treat human disease and might not work if the bacteria they target become resistant to the drugs’ effects.
“We need to be selective about the drugs we use in animals and when we use them,” says William Flynn, DVM, MS, deputy director for science policy at FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM). “Antimicrobial resistance may not be completely preventable, but we need to do what we can to slow it down.”
FDA is issuing a final guidance document that explains how animal pharmaceutical companies can work with the agency to voluntarily remove growth enhancement and feed efficiency indications from the approved uses of their medically important antimicrobial drug products, and move the therapeutic uses of these products from over-the-counter (OTC) availability to marketing status requiring veterinary oversight.
Once manufacturers voluntarily make these changes, the affected products can then only be used in food-producing animals to treat, prevent or control disease under the order of or by prescription from a licensed veterinarian.
“This action promotes the judicious use of important antimicrobials, which protects public health and, at the same time, ensures that sick and at-risk animals receive the therapy they need,” says CVM Director Bernadette Dunham, DVM, Ph.D. “We realize that these steps represent changes for veterinarians and animal producers, and we have been working to make this transition as seamless as possible.”
Flynn explains that all the drugs affected by this plan are antibacterial products. They have long been FDA-approved for production (e.g. growth enhancement) purposes as well as for the treatment, control or prevention of animal diseases. Even today, he says, it is not entirely understood how these drugs make animals grow faster. The drugs are primarily added to feed, although they are sometimes added to the animals’ drinking water.
Bacteria evolve to survive threats to their existence. In both humans and animals, even appropriate therapeutic uses of antibiotics can promote the development of drug resistant bacteria. When such bacteria enter the food supply, they can be transferred to the people who eat food from the treated animal.
In 2010, FDA called for a strategy to phase out production use of medically important antimicrobial products and to bring the remaining therapeutic uses under the oversight of a veterinarian. The guidance document that FDA is issuing on Dec. 11, 2013, which was previously issued in draft form in 2012, lays out such a strategy and marks the beginning of the formal implementation period.
The agency is asking animal pharmaceutical companies to notify FDA within the next three months of their intent to voluntarily make the changes recommended in the guidance. Based on timeframes set out in the guidance, these companies would then have three years to fully implement these changes.
To help veterinarians and producers of food-producing animals comply with the new terms of use for these products once the recommended changes are implemented, FDA is proposing changes to the Veterinary Feed Directives (VFD) process. This is an existing system that governs the distribution and use of certain drugs (VFD drugs) that can only be used in animal feed with the specific authorization of a licensed veterinarian. Flynn explains that feed-use antibiotics that are considered medically important and are currently available, as OTC products will, as a result of implementation of the guidance document, come under the VFD process.
The proposed changes to the VFD process are intended to clarify the administrative requirements for the distribution and use of VFD drugs and improve the efficiency of the VFD program. Such updates to the VFD process will assist in the transition of OTC products to their new VFD status.
Flynn explains that the final guidance document made participation voluntary because it is the fastest, most efficient way to make these changes. FDA has been working with associations that include those representing drug companies, the feed industry, and producers of beef, pork and turkey, as well as veterinarians and consumer groups.
"Based on our outreach, we have every reason to believe that animal pharmaceutical companies will support us in this effort," says Michael R. Taylor, FDA's deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine. Www.http.fda.gov.

We can all agree that the antibiotics have a good and bad side, the good side is that its maintained the animals healthy, grown fast but for our health it is a disaster according to the researchers. We have growth obesity populations, the heart disease rampage, and cancer. Even though there is no research related so far what causes cancer but we can have a point of view, those who consumed no meat vegetarians are less likely to suffer from those diseases than the meat consumers according to the researchers. We have a big population (USA) and it’s the government and the farmer to work together for those people to be fed, but they are not doing it in the right way. Using some antibiotics are murdered people, and I think the best thing is like so many country do is everyone farm they own meat and food but in here we don’t have time and space for that. We need people we can trust with what’s going in our system, people that will protect our society with the spread of so many killers(diseases), and I think we are so far away because everyone is worry about how much money they can make out of something not how hurt it will be to other people.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Blog Entry 9

Please frame your response around the following questions:
  1. What is your general subject?
Answer-The growth of fast food industry is detrimental.
  1. What is your focus (narrowed topic)?
Answer-The growth of fast food industry leads to more poverty and income inequality.
  1. What do you plan to support/argue for?
Answer- My research is about the antibiotic and the consumer, why the farmers used the antibiotics in animals what are the good and the bad side of it what is the sequences those antibiotics have on people health. 
  1. What have you looked at so far (sources) and how useful do you think they will be and why?
Answer- http://www.fda.gov/animalveterinary/newsevents/cvmupdates/ucm335102htm
according to the consumer report they have found that those antibiotics have effects on people live while others disagree;http/www.cosumerreport.com
I found these links very useful because they are very recent and is directly relayed to the my research topic and is from accredited source.
  1. What are your next steps of this topic is approved?
Answer-Create a draft research paper outline starting with the thesis and then write body paragraphs and building upon it. Last writing an introduction with thesis statement and finish off with building body paragraphs and conclusion.
  1. What difficulties do you see at this time in moving forward with the research process?

Answer- Finding inadequate claim to support that the antibiotics fed by the animals really have some effects on people's live.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

                                                                        BLOG #7

The Meatrix seems to be primarily trying to get across the point that commercial agriculture has been systematically lying to consumers and inflicting harm upon animals and the only way to stop this is to stand up to these companies. The extended metaphor of a “Meatrix” is a play on the blockbuster film The Matrix and provides for anyone that has seen the movie a good idea of how consumers are being deceived. The giant robots are an extension of this metaphor as they break up the “resistance” in the form of family farms. Although this establishes some basic problems with factory farming through some crude animation many questions go unanswered. Like what has fostered this growth of factory farms and what actions individuals can take to become a part to change how they function. Overall however the cartoon adequately simplifies the entire message of how consumers are being misled to a point where it is not too graphic and is easily understandable. Factory farms would probably hide behind the legality of what they are doing and how they must feed our growing population.
 In today’s world there are a host of serious environmental problems, and factory farming is one of the top causes of pollution.1 Scientific research has found that factory farming’s method of crowding and confining animals in warehouse-like conditions before killing them and mass-producing both “meat” from cows, pigs and  chicken as well as dairy and eggs poses “an unacceptable level of risk to public health and damage to the environment…” Yet, despite factory farming’s severe social and ecological costs, many governments promote this unsustainable industry to supply a growing global “meat” market that is projected to double by 2050.

       The National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH) is pleased to provide Understanding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Their Impact on Communities to assist local boards of health who have concerns about concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) or large industrial animal farms in their communities. The Environmental Health Services Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) encouraged the development of this product and provided technical oversight and financial support. The mission of NALBOH is to strengthen boards of health, enabling them to promote and protect the health of their communities, through education, technical assistance, and advocacy. Boards of health are responsible for fulfilling three public health core functions: assessment, policy development, and assurance. NALBOH is confident that Understanding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Their Impact on Communities will help local board of health members understand their role in developing ways to mitigate potential problems associated with CAFOs. 

The effects all these pollutants have on workers can range from acute bronchitis to chronic.  Some have even died while in these manure pits from lack of oxygen.  The communities surrounding these facilities are also affected.  Respiratory problems are pretty much a given when living close to one of these but studies have also shown that fatigue, depression, and changes in mood occur in higher rates near these factory farms especially hog farms.  So if you are house shopping and you come across a cheap house close to a hog farm you better make sure it has many bathrooms!  Another study showed that an elementary school near a factory farm had a significant number more of cases of children with asthma then another elementary school that was in the same state but nowhere near a factory farm.

It is really up to the government to fix up the problem.  Most of the negatives aspects of factory farming are contributed to the way that animals are feed.  Letting the animals grow naturally would cut down a lot on the harmful gases.  Not only would the animals no longer make them in large amounts the pollution from various ways that the feed gets to the farms would no longer be happening if they were grazing naturally like nature instead.




Sunday, May 4, 2014

Marie S. Civil
Eng. 101
Prof. Smith
For this blog I have chosen to talk about "VALUE"

 "VALUE" what is the meaning of the "value" Something valued is something that either worth money or times, something very important to you or someone else. For some people something valuable can be money, goods, or objects what so ever, for me personally life is the most valuable thing ever, and family. I say life and family those are two things you cannot trade or exchange. Your success in life is depended on your family, if you have a bag childhood it is more likely for you to be failed in the future. People can be rich and still struggle in life, either they feel lonely, and even kill themselves because they didn't know how to love themselves, to be grateful for every deep-breath they have taken in their live. Either they were abused as a child or didn't have a mother or a father to love them and to show them the value of life, to love them and for them to be loved. And also for me life is something irreplaceable, something precious, and more valuable than anything else. Everything we are doing is because we have life, we see for some people is a curse. Is again they don't know what love is like, to love themselves their environment weren't great.  That's the reason I said family is the most valuable thing in life. The love you get from your family will follow you through the rest of your life, that love you cannot trade it or exchange it.

According to a research, Life satisfaction can reflect experiences that have affected a person in a positive way. These experiences have the ability to motivate people to pursue and reach their goals there are two emotion that may affect how people perceive their lives .Hope and optimist both consist of cognitive processes that are usually oriented towards the reaching of goals and the perception of those goals. Additionally, optimism is linked to higher life satisfaction whereas pessimism is related to symptoms in depression. The Satisfaction with Life Scale  is a single scale that is used by UNESCO, the CIA, the New Economics Foundation, the WHO, the Veenhoven Database, the Latin barometer, the Afrobarometer, and the UNHDR to measure how one views his or her self-esteem, well-being and overall happiness with life. Previous modeling showed that positive views and life satisfaction were completely mediated by the concept of self-esteem, and the different way ideas and events are perceived by people. Several studies found that self-esteem plays a definite role in influencing life satisfaction. There is also a homeostatic model that also supports these findings. One's mood and outlook on life can also influence one's own perception of their life satisfaction.

I always encourage people to appreciate the gift of a family and life, be grateful and thankful. Because some people will do anything for those two things. I love my family and I thank GOD every day for it, and I will do anything to keep my family together, to protect them, cherish them and make sure I give them the love I got from my parents. I teach them every day the value of live what it is to alive, to be able to go places, see the world, do some kind of things. I do because I want them to be succeeding in life and love others.

                                                               Blog Entry #8

                                      "The Fast Food Industry, Labor, and the Union"

I think the fast food employers should have or should be able to for  union, According to the "Fast Food  Nation" a book wrote by Erick Schlosser, in the book he talked about the way the fast food industry mistreated their employees. They have paid less money, they don't have people to represent them. People to force the industry to pay them fairly, to force the industry to give the quality they deserve as employee. Such as; health benefits, sickbays, personal days and some kind of education's fund since some of them are college students or have responsibilities.

The fast food employees are like any other employees. they got up everyday, to go to work, they pay rent and living expensive. They even work hardest than some high paid employees. What Schlosser was trying to do was to open the eyes of the nation to show them and brought to the attention of those who are concerned. According to my experiences, fast food employees should be the most rewarded people; for their hard works and all the energy they have put into their communities. For those reasons they should have a good labor due to their  hard works.

from what I read  so far from the book Eric Schlosser said that most of fast food industry employees are young people some of them are least eighteen, or college student. They go to school, work hard, I think it will be more beneficial for them to have or be able to form a Union because some of the unions help you with the college tuition, health benefits, pay holidays even pay sick days. If those young people are worked so hard to make fast food industry rich why not get something back. At least give them some benefits, make them proud of the kind of job they are doing.

There is lot that has to be done, the government or other people who have power should brought this subject up.To force the fast food industry like any other industry to pay their employees fairly. I will benefits them by helping either with living expensive,or education founds. It will also encourage other young people to work. There is a lot young people out there they refused to work to a fast place like Mc Donald because they said the industry doesn't pay. The minimum wage of most fast food industry is $6.50 nobody will go stave off themselves for $6.50 unless you're really needed it.

So many people eat at the fast food restaurants specially the children. Because of all the commercials and games the fast food industry put out there to brain washed people. And also people whom don't like to cook because they claimed that the fast food is easy to get and it is everywhere, less expensive, which is not. For example; the big Mac; Mc Donald claimed that sandwich is big that the reason they have called it Big Mac. But in the reality to have a big mac you have to pay more because they have medium and large meal and their taxes are high.

I think the current working conditions are unfair specially to their employees the way they fast food industry treated them. with no benefits what so ever the fast food industry is taking advantage of their employees to get rich. Work more, pay  less,  no policy they fire them at anytime I think  more has to be done to protect those young workers.